Curriculum Vitæ
- 1958
- Born in in Mauer, Germany.
- 1978–85
- Studies of Mathematics at the Mathematical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg. Title of the diploma thesis: Hamiltonsche Graphen [Hamiltonian Graphs].
- 1985–88
- Scientific assistant at the Computer Science Faculty of the Technical University Munich.
- 1988–93
- Research assistant at the Computer Science Faculty of the Technical University Darmstadt. Promotion to Dr.rer.nat. Title of the thesis: Pragmatische Programmsynthese [Pragmatic Program Synthesis].
- 1993–94
- Research assistant at the Faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science of the University Leipzig.
- 1994–95
- Research assistant at the Faculty for Computer Science, Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig.
- 1995–97
- Research assistant at the Computer Science Faculty of the University Koblenz-Landau.
- 1998–2011
- Consultant
for Capgemini
sd&m, Offenbach
formerly sd&m – Software Design & Management. - 2011–
- Principal IT Consultant for iteratec, Frankfurt, Germany