limap: Mapping in LaTeX

The information mapping® method claims to help authors to write readable and clearly structured documents. To achieve this goal a few principles have to be honoured. Some requirements are put upon the typography. This LaTeX class supports the author and provides automatic means for some of the tasks.


Here you can download the sources and documentation.

Code for style, documentation, and examples, 498 kb

Documentation as PDF
limap.pdf, 177 kb


»Der Kunde ist König – Strukturiertes Erstellen von Dokumenten«
Abstract (German), 26.8 kB

Leser und Autoren im Informationszeitalter – Die Information-Mapping®-Methode mit LaTeX
Slides (German), 985.2 kB

Project Repository

The sources of limap are stored in a public repository. It is hosted by Sourceforge:


limap ist auch im CTAN in dem folgenden Verzeichnis zu finden:
