gn-logic: Type­set­ting logi­cal For­mu­læ

Type­set­ting ma­the­ma­tics in TeX is tailored to­wards al­ge­bra­ic for­mu­læ. If you are type­set­ting lo­gi­cal for­mu­lae some dis­tan­ces might be mis­leading. The LaTeX package gn-lo­gic.sty pro­vides macros to avoid this de­fi­cien­cy.


Here you can down­load the sources and do­cu­men­ta­tion.

Code for style and do­cu­men­ta­tion
gn-logic.tar.gz, 5 kb

Do­cu­men­ta­tion in PDF;
gn-logic14.pdf, 154 kb


gn-logic.sty can be found on CTAN in the fol­lowing di­rec­tory:
